I noticed that I have a few dead pixels on my N7.I am still under warranty but to keep things efficient I was wondering if I ...
My Nexus 7 has recently been heating up while recharging. The device gets so hot it actually burns to touch.Any ideas where I ...
Okay...if I wake my N7 while in contact with the screen odd things happen. Basically, there are dead zones on the screen that ...
In the spirit of being team players why don't we share our home screens here? ...
Compatriots, what would you all recommend as the kernel with the best battery life? ...
Does Google store my wireless network passwords on their cloud? I believe they do and if so isn't this a security issue? ...
If I go ahead and restore my Nexus 7 back to factory condition will it remove my root? ...
I am getting all sorts of audio distortion from my speakers when I play the volume on high. Anyone else out there in my boat? ...
I need a concise list summarizing the pros and cons of encrypting my Nexus 7. You have my eternal gratitude in advance. ...