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Jake Peterson

I am a writer and media producer from New York City. I studied Film and Television at NYU. I previously worked at Apple as a Technical Specialist, and at NYU as an audio technician. I love TV, movies, video games, news-binging, and finding the best tacos in NYC.

Latest articles by Jake Peterson

"How to Permanently Delete Text Messages on Your iPhone" cover image
"Get Unique Face Filters by Following AR Creators on Instagram" cover image
"How to Automatically Delete Your Google History on a Schedule" cover image
"Quick Tip: There's a Faster Way to Open an App's Settings on Your iPhone" cover image
"Apple Just Released the First Public Beta for iOS 13.1 — Here's What's New" cover image
"Apple Just Released the Second Developer Beta for iOS 13.1" cover image
"Apple Releases iOS 13.1 Public Beta 2 for iPhone to Software Testers" cover image
"Apple's iOS 13.1 Developer Beta 1 for iPhone Now Available — Before iOS 13's Stable Release" cover image
"Android 10 Gesture Controls Grayed Out? Here's the Fix" cover image
"How to Share Your Friends' Instagram Stories in Your Own Story" cover image