Selfies have been around for quite a while, but with the popularity of social media (in particular Instagram) they've become ...
My kitchen isn't nearly as well-stocked as I'd prefer, and I often come across recipes that call for odd tools and appliances ...
Cultured dairy products are great for topping chilis and soups, stirring into dips, and adding tanginess to breads and pancak ...
The dispensers for aluminum foil and plastic wrap are among the most annoying-to-use kitchen items, but that's because the ma ...
Even if you're a good cook, sometimes home-cooked food just doesn't taste the same as it does in a restaurant. Of course, the ...
If you're doing research that includes a lot of copy/pasting, it can get really tedious to open a new document every time you ...
Remember those horrible, soul-crushing studies from a few years back linking grilled meats with cancer? Unfortunately, they'r ...
If you grew up dying eggs for Easter, you've no doubt used or at least seen those boxed kits that turn your eggs neon colors. ...
If you're a Febreze fanatic, you're well aware that the "odor eliminator" can be pretty pricey, and that's reason enough to s ...
Camping in the rain sucks. It's not enough to deal with your clothes and tent being soaked—it makes starting a fire nearly im ...