We've all had that awful, sinking feeling when something you've been typing away at is suddenly gone. Maybe you accidentally ...
Have you ever fallen asleep watching television only to be rudely awoken by one of those obnoxious commercials that randomly ...
Tons of freezers have built-in ice dispensers, but a lot of people never use them. But it turns out, all it takes to give it ...
The cell phone has come a long way. The very first "mobile devices" were made and used by the military in the late 1930s, wit ...
Smartphones and tablets are great for watching movies and videos while you're out, but at home, the screen is just too tiny. ...
We go to such great lengths to secure our smartphones. We put passwords on our lock screens, encrypt our data, and install an ...
A flashlight is one of those things you rarely need, but hardly ever have when you do. The normal-sized ones are unwieldy to ...
For most people, the battery life on a DSLR is more than sufficient, but if you want to do a really long exposure or time-lap ...
Who doesn't hate Auto Correct? There's nothing worse than hitting 'Send' only to realize that your phone betrayed you by chan ...
Earlier today, a meteorite flew over the Chelyabinsk region of Russia, triggering a shock wave that injured hundreds of peopl ...