Most new stereos come with an auxiliary port built in, but if you drive an older car, you're usually stuck with the radio or ...
Taking photos in the dark or in low-light settings can be tricky. Just using your normal flash can make your subject look was ...
There are tons of different versions of maze games. First, there were paper mazes that you had to draw your way out of. Then, ...
I hate having my picture taken. It's awkward, and I almost always end up thinking, "Is that what I look like all the time?" M ...
There are some pretty incredible camera techniques out there, but the biggest problem that amateur photographers run into is ...
Just because you're not Batman doesn't mean you can't use a hidden room that's camouflaged as a bookshelf. Maybe you have a c ...
Most people need their morning pick-me-up to get the day started right. There's a Starbucks on every corner and caffeine "sho ...
When you're looking at a site with a lot of links to images, it can get really old having to open each one individually. Not ...
If you ride your bike or motorcycle a lot, especially in a large city, you've probably had a few close calls. No matter how s ...
There's no shortage of techniques when it comes to light painting—you can use LEDs, flashlights, or even make your own light ...