Why do we still need to plug in our phones to charge them? Wireless charging exists, and has for quite some time, but most ma ...
Every home cook has their most-hated kitchen task. For me, peeling hard-boiled eggs and garlic are pretty high up there. Actu ...
Considering that the average movie ticket these days is $8.38, it's not much of a surprise that Netflix is kicking ass. The s ...
If there's one way to get a visceral response from someone, it's bringing up the DMV. Regardless of the reason, whether it's ...
How many of us actually drink enough water? It's one of the easiest ways to improve your health, but most people don't get ne ...
You'd think the ability to block calls from certain numbers would be built in to most phones by now, but that's certainly not ...
Even as someone with super pale skin that burns instead of tanning, I don't use sunscreen nearly as often as I should. Or, uh ...
Plastic bags may be banned from retail stores in some cities, like Santa Monica, Seattle, and San Fransisco, and will be bann ...
Once when I was a kid, my dad used a glue trap to catch a mouse in our basement. The result was so awful for the mouse that m ...
Prepping fruits and vegetables ahead of time makes putting together the final dish a lot easier, but once you cut them up, th ...