Forum Thread : How to Learn Cracking
Hi, i would like to learn how to crack windows programs, is there anyone who know a good way to start, or knows about good tutorials? Thanks.
Hi, i would like to learn how to crack windows programs, is there anyone who know a good way to start, or knows about good tutorials? Thanks.
So my problem is im not able to get system in meterpreter. When i enter "use priv" it say the module is already loaded(or something like that) And when i try getsystem it tries all 4 option and it fails. I don't understand why, can anyone help. Thanks.
I would like to know if there is a way to crypt to bypass antivirus a payload/backdoor generated with msfvenom. I searched google but its not clear to me. I read about encoders and all that , but the only 64 bits encoder that i find in msfvenom is x64/xor(i tried it but avast ...more
I know that with msfvenom you can create a android.apk that acts pretty much like a computer rat. But is there a way to take a real android apk(like for example a game) and inject it with a sort of exploit like the one i stated first? Thanks.
Hi , i made a virtual pentest lab with both a kali machine and a metasploitable one. The metasploitable is vulnerable to java RMI but when i launch the exploit its telling me :" Exploit failed: RuntimeError Exploit aborted due to failure unknown The RMI class loader couldn't ...more
Hi, so i gained access to a wireless network( its a WEP it was pretty easy ) and i would like to sniff on a specific device on that network(a mobile phone). My question is what would be the best way to do that in kali? I know there is Wireshark, tcpdump, ettercap and all that ...more
Do you guys know any wifi antenna that wouldnt cost me too much and haves long range power. Let me know. Thanks.
So i found this usefull tutorial on how to create a fake access point and now i would like to know the logical follow-up to this tutorial if i would like to sniff ...more
Ok im using kali linux and i try to create a powershell x64 payload but its only creating x86 payloads. I found a couple of tutorials searching google but they were not so clear. If someone could help, i just want to create a powershell payload that would work on x64 computer. ...more