Tons of iPhone 5 users with Verizon Wireless hit the message boards last week complaining about their phones sucking down mas ...

We all expect a little something on our birthdays, so why should those expectations drop when we are talking about our gaming ...

Firstly, I'd like to say that I have nothing against iPhoto; it's a great application that works wonderfully in Mac OS X. Unf ...

Apple gets a lot of flak for their lack of customization on their devices, but hey, at least you can move your apps around on ...

Getting a new phone is like getting a pair of new socks—you can't wait to try them on and when you do, they feel totally awes ...

Even if you're not a hipster with your own self-sufficient garden, making your own edibles at home can be pretty cool. And wh ...

What can you do with a hair dryer besides dry your hair? Lots. You can remove stickers from clothing, clean up crayon marks, ...

If you want to convince your friends that money is not an issue, then you can just burn it for real like Walter White. But if ...

While becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg may be out of reach for someone just getting introduced to code, the skill has never ...

AirPlay is probably one of the most underutilized features in Apple products. It allows users to wirelessly stream photos, mu ...