As if there weren't already enough problems with the iPhone 5, now the new Lightning USB cable is reportedly getting stuck in ...

Keeping your computer screen or smartphone display clean is impossible. And those stupid little cloth cleaners that come with ...

Harnessing the power of the sun is something that Captain Planet made cool before it was the go-to for renewable energy. Sola ...

One of the greatest consoles ever to exist in the world of gaming is the PlayStation 3, which even lets you do a million diff ...

The newest update of the Firefox web browser was released yesterday, and whether you were upgraded automatically or manually, ...

If you haven't met a person that's broken a pair of headphones, you might need to get out more. No matter how expensive or ch ...

There's only three weeks left until the spookiest holiday of the year, which means stores and costume shops everywhere are br ...

Fingers are very useful for many things in life—but fingers get dirty. With most smartphone and tablets using touchscreen tec ...

People are always looking for ways to save money, and for the most part, saving money and cheating the system are synonymous ...

Free stuff is pretty cool. Free internet is even cooler—and free internet that is actually free is the coolest. If you would ...