I've had the thankless duty of choosing the music for far too many get-togethers, and no matter how good you think your music ...
Watching movies will always be one of my favorite forms of entertainment. I can spend an entire day watching movies and not f ...
Oh, hazards. If this were Tiger Wood's Golf, hazards would be something we would avoid like the plague. But since we are talk ...
Bon voyage is French for good trip, but since we don't really care for the French, it pretty much means adios mother@@%##. Bu ...
To unlock the "Bolt from the Blue" achievement in BioShock: Infinite, you will need to kill 5 enemies with a head shot while ...
One of the best things about Android phones is that they are much more readily customizable when compared to the iPhone, but ...
There are a million things you can do with a few sheets of paper, from classics like an origami crane to a paper version of P ...
I read a ton of articles online and I am always looking for a way to make the experience a little better. Reading long articl ...
I took trap and skeet my senior year of college and couldn't have felt any more badass. Hitting a little orange disc as it fl ...
While the big bad vigors may get a lot of the attention in BioShock: Infinite, the gun lovers still get their fair share of g ...