The new Google Now Launcher has hotword detection and one-swipe access to Google Now, but personally, it's not enough to conv ...
Last week, Apple issued an iOS 7.0.6 update that fixed a serious security vulnerability that could allow hackers to steal pas ...
When you're scrolling through your iPhone's home screens, you'll inevitably reach the end and have to either swipe backwards ...
Once you jailbreak, there are hundreds of options available for you to fully customize your boring stock iPhone into somethin ...
Sometimes you need more than just your brain to split the bill at a restaurant or to calculate how much your cable company is ...
Parlez-vous français? While we all wish we were fluent in multiple languages like Jason Bourne, most of us are probably one-t ...
While it may not serve much of a purpose here in sunny Los Angeles, it's still a good idea to keep constant tabs on the weath ...
Whenever a new version of a phone comes out, there's always that one cool feature you wish you had on yours. For me, that's G ...
I love getting notifications for every email received on my Samsung Galaxy S3 and whenever a download finishes, but there are ...
I can be pretty forgetful. If there's something important to remember, I need to jot it down right away or risk losing it for ...