One of many cool features in iOS is the ability to listen to your Music app and have the player options, as well as album art ...
It's no surprise that Costco has great deals, and that's why millions pay annual fees for the privilege to shop in their whol ...
Oversleeping isn't just an epidemic that affects millions of hungover college students every year, we all want that extra min ...
Let's take a minute and talk about something you're doing wrong — using the restroom. Many view the subject as improper or ev ...
In a previous guide, I showed you how to add a 5th app to your icon dock. This is both useful and cool-looking. Unfortunately ...
Conversations can be a little stale sometimes, so a little color help add some life. AOL realized this In the early days of A ...
Take a minute and think about how many times a day you press the home key on your iPhone . . . a lot, right? It is quite lite ...
If you're really popular, like myself, then you're constantly receiving a steady flow of notifications on your Android device ...
Let me begin this tutorial by reiterating how boring an iOS device can get, like my iPhone. It's extremely popular, yet extre ...
Depending on who you ask, the icons on your iPhone have either improved or taken a serious dive since the iOS 7 update. They' ...