If you've seen ParaNorman or Fantastic Mr. Fox, then you have some kind of idea of what stop-motion animation is. Basically, ...
Popcorn Time is an app that streams movies directly from torrents on to your computer, and it's seen its fair share of public ...
If mainstream media has taught us anything, it's that being beautiful can get you ahead in life. The notion isn't necessarily ...
I'm a textaholic. One of the problems with being a textaholic is that your device just can't keep up with you. I tend to text ...
Numbers are everywhere in life, and some are better at doing the math than others. Unless you're Gert Mittring, it's safe to ...
There are a gazillion lock screen apps available on Google Play, but the majority of them are subpar and not worth your time. ...
It's time to trip out with your tablet. If you're not looking to drain that precious battery life with a fancy-looking live w ...
I never want to bump into my ex-girlfriend while out in the city (talk about a buzz kill), so if I could get an alert telling ...
The recently released HTC One M8 and the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 are both boasting selective focus features for their came ...
I don't like a lot of app icons on my home screen. It makes everything on my Nexus 7 feel dense and congested. As a minimalis ...