If you're jonesing to play some Super Mario Run on your Android phone, you might not be able to get your fix for some time—at ...

Casting Angelina Jolie as Maleficent was a no-brainer on Disney's part. No one else could project beauty, elegance, and fear ...

If you've just ditched your Android phone for a new iPhone, you're in luck, because Apple has a way to make your transition a ...

It's hard to not to like the look of iOS emojis. Sure, Samsung and other Android phones have emojis, but they're all kind of ...

The microwave oven is a monumental technological achievement that's saved college students and single people from starvation ...

When you make or receive a call on your iPhone, you're forced to use the built-in ear receiver at the top of the phone to hea ...

If you have a specific app you want to lock so that others can't access it, the most secure way of doing so is with biometric ...

Unless you're in law enforcement, you won't usually have a flashlight on hand for those rare moments when you need to sift th ...

The volume is maxed out, but that doesn't stop me from hitting the volume key on my Nexus 7 in hopes that it will magically g ...

Past video recording apps we've covered made it easy to turn your Android device into a hidden spy camera, even allowing you ...