Accumulating approximately one million downloads on the Google Play Store in less than 72 hours from its initial release, Tou ...
Considered a huge gamble on the part of Marvel and Disney due to its seemingly small fan base, Guardians of the Galaxy turned ...
Allowing the use of third-party keyboards on iOS 8 was a great move on Apple's part, providing iPhone users with choices when ...
Back in the days of iOS 6, iPhone users were able to send a quick tweet from their notification center, but that has long sin ...
Star-Lord may not have been a household name prior to the release of Guardians of the Galaxy, but you can sure count on a flo ...
Unless you're sporting an LG G3 or a mod that allows tap-to-sleep and/or tap-to-wake functionality, you're probably hitting t ...
Lending someone your phone to make a call is always an awkward situation, as you closely monitor them to make sure they stick ...
By eliminating the need for hard keys on phones, manufacturers are able to use that extra space for a larger display, which i ...
It takes a lot of time, effort, and cash to create a unique Halloween costume that will likely never see the light of day aft ...
While LG G3 users have been patiently waiting, developer the cubed and his Codefire team have been diligently working on a su ...