After pinging and getting the IP of a website when i browsed to the ip the server redirected me to http://ip/cgi-bin/defaultwebpage.cgi . Why is that?? B/c I need to find the path to the installation of Joomla in that site.
In Metasploit, there's an auxilary module that detects joomla version and it requires RHOST. Is it possible to set RHOST to It flags an error when I do that. So how can i pass the domain name as rhost?
Is it possible to get a virtual ATM maybe a VMware or Virtual Box image in order to pentest it???
Have you guys successfully exploited the stagefright vuln.? I found a python script on github(also posted in this forum) I was able to generate mp4 file but I couldn't get a shell back :(
If i have the username and password in md5 encryption how can i login with it??
I pinged a site and i got when browsing with the above ip it should of landed me to the homepage instead i got an empty .cgi page. how can i know the exact path to the homepage with the ip??
I downloaded this module from , added it to /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/multi/http/ and when I ran "msfconsole" I got an error saying ...more
Hey guys, I want to inject a code into a video file or an image so that the injected code executes when the video/image is opened. How can i do this?
Let's say you want to get remote access to a web server running linux. As a hacker how would you accomplish this? What tool would you use? Steps to follow?
How can I hack a Apache websever using metasploit on kali and gain remote access? As I did research on 2 servers the first one runs Apache/2.4.7 (Unix) and the second one runs Apache-Coyote/1.1!
How can find a link that is vulnerable to SQL Injection from a site for e.g. and find that link from ?