Image creds for the Screenshot go to me, but the cover isn't mine. I've been trying to update Metasploit on my LG G3 (D855) for some time now, but due to some issues with port forwarding, my Kali distro cannot connect to the internet. Is there any way to update services like ...more
I have found quite a few articles detailing how to bypass web based firewalls and censoring systems, but not a single one seems to work with Microsoft Forefront, and frankly, the large "This page is not available" redirect is getting extremely annoying. All data sent over my n ...more
Is there any chance that someone experienced with website hacking could do a tutorial on breaking into popular sites like WordPress using reverse IP attacks or brute force? In the event that doing so might be illegal, is there any way that links to other tutorials and resource ...more
I heard (from a friend) that Windows 10 is basically just a rethemed version of Windows 8 which was still vulnerable to most Windows 7 exploits. Is all this true? And in the event that it is, what should I do to ensure the safety of my PC? Ninja243