About killeroliver1998
I'm the plugins manager of the WonderHowTo minecraft server! Come join us!
- Location: Nowthen, Minnesota
killeroliver1998's Latest Posts
Forum Thread : So Are We All Gone
So then, I come back to this thread at least once a week, but hardly ever see something new. Are we gone? What has happened to this section of WonderHowTo? I know that we all have lives outside of the internet... well you guys might, but I just want to know: Are we all leaving ...more
News : Where Are We Now?
News : Just a Big Thank You to a Great Author
How To: Do Fun Things in Notepad, Notepad++, and .Bat Files
Forum Thread : I Need a Place to Start
So I have been constantly looking at this world and the more and more I see it the more and more I want to experiment and work with steampunk! I just cant think of anywhere to start. If you guys could help me figure out where to start, that would be much appreciated! I want to ...more
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