I've been trying different ways to get a a payload onto my second computer with windows 10. Is it possible to get some of the exploits in metasploit to work on windows 10? Or should I set up a vm with windows XP? I'm using Kali 2.0
So there's something about encryption I don't get. If hackers just use a wordlist translated to hashes in that encryption, how is AES safer than MD5? Does it make it sense what I'm asking?
Hello, I was wondering what's the best way to make a wordlist in my language? I'm a Dane, and I can't seem to find a Danish wordlist to use when cracking passwords. Can anybody tell me how to do it?
NfjA9FuFo9R2M6Zl0Ls4MfO0D1lkpBk0yo0ErmKoWe9LogFntkfiRBe58A22F5k8 I've been playing with a thought of encryption for some time now. What if you could make an encryption where you only need the hashed password to crack it? Obviously this shouldn't be used in the real world, si ...more
Can anyone tell me if this is a good WiFi adapter to buy? Meaning, can someone tell me if it's capable of packet injection and monitor mode. Sorry I don't know a lot about it and want to be sure that I buy the right thing.
Hello, I've seen some posts and comments about having the right WiFi .dongle when hacking WiFi. Right now I am using Broadcom 802.11bgn BCM43142, could that cause when using services like aircrack-ng? And while I'm at it, should I be using a specific Bluetooth dongle when hac ...more
I've been trying to run Kali on my laptop with i7 processor, because right now I only have it on my Raspberry Pi, which can be tedious since that limits some of the hacks I can learn. Anyway, when I've written the .iso from kali.org/downloads to my USB, and I boot from USB fro ...more
Hello, Does anyone have a link to download Kali Linux 1.1.0 from Offensive Security's official site? The only one I can find is a 32-bit image, but I need an ARM image to boot on my Raspberry PI. Thanks in advance
Hello, I am fairly new to Kali, and just Linux in general so I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. But I have seen quite a few tutorials on here that require Metasploit, however I cannot find it. I have installed Kali on my Raspberry Pi 2, could that be it? Thanks in advanc ...more