Well, I am currently thinking about turning a Raspberry Pi with an external harddrive in a device that, when plugged into a computer, automatically copies all documents via a usb to usb cable. I haven't found anyone who did this yet so I was wondering if it is even possible or ...more
By using a USB Rubber ducky and a 64GB USB drive in a USB hub I want to make a kind of automatic device for backing up documents. So when putting it in my laptop for example it should automatically backup my documents folder. However the 64GB USB drive appears in the "computer ...more
So if you would for example want to find out someone's login credentials, and this could be any website(Facebook, Gmail, whatever you want it to be), then it would be an option to just run a keylogger from for example a metasploit meterpreter session. However in practice many ...more
So let's say I am using a reverse shell to connect back to me when launched. I am using Kali in a virtual machine so it would be possible for me to launch the payload on my actual host machine so that it will connect back to my Kali OS in my virtual machine.(Bridged). Does thi ...more
Currently I am learning about MitM and how to use it. Therefore I am doing some arp spoofing (just like in OTW's tutorial about a simple man in the middle attack) and I am using Wireshark to analyse the packages. This all worked fine so I decided I wanted to try to get myself ...more
Normally when you plugin your phone with usb this means that you can see the files that are on your phone from your computer. Is it possible to turn this around which would make it possible to read files from a computer on your phone when connected via usb and if so, how?
I used ettercap to sniff the network(eth0) and enabled ARP poisening. After that I opened driftnet -i eth0 and when I opend my weasel browser in Kali the pictures were showed by driftnet but not when I opened Google chrome on my host machine(windows 7). Is this because of vmwa ...more
I tried doing a metasploit exploitation using a payload created with veil-evasion. This payload worked with other computers in my own network and with the computer of a friend of mine. Nevertheless it didn't work when I tested it with computer science with permission of the te ...more
I am using a laptop running windows and vmware with Kali linux 2.0. I wanted to use a usb network adapter in order to perform a mitm attack as this didn't work with my normal interface eth0. Nevertheless I do succeed in using the adapter to connect to my wifi on windows but wh ...more
I am trying to do a mitm attack on my own network. I am using Kali linux 2.0 in vmware on a laptop. I used arpspoof -i eth0 -t (VictimIP) (RouterIP) and it started running. However when I tried to browse on the victim machine internet didn't work anymore. This made me draw the ...more
I came across a network in which all laptops were connected to docking stations. Would it be possible to use hardware keyloggers or something like that to hack a laptop that is connected to such a docking station?
I was wondering if and how you could possibly get the files that are printed without accesing the computer it comes from.
I already succeeded in bruteforcing WPA but now I came across a wifi network that asked me to put in a username and a password. Is there anyone who can get me on the right track for hacking this?
I am trying to exploit a computer on my school network for computersciences. The payload I created with Veil-Evasion worked with a friend of mine who was on another network. However on the schoolnetwork it didn't work. We believed this might have something to do with a server ...more
I am using metasploit now with some succes. I created a payload with Veil-Evasion which doesn't get discovered by my AV and it works fine. I tested it with some computers in my own network and with a friend of mine it still worked when I used my public IP instead. However I wa ...more
I recently started experimenting with Darkcomet rat and some of it's features really appealed to me. Nevertheless I do not succeed in getting the stub or payload created with Darkcomet past the AV of my other computer. Is there anyone who could help me with this problem?
I ran: git clone https://github.com/Veil-Framework/Veil-evasion.git and it worked according to plan. I used cd Veil-Evasion and setup/setup.sh. It starts the setup but at the end it gives me this: * Installing (Wine) i386 Binaries Reading package lists... Done Building depend ...more
I got into a meterpreter session with my other computer. I wanted to create a persistence backdoor but it won't let me do it because of the AV. I therefore ran killav.rb but still the AV notices the backdoor that I'm trying to create. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
I succeeded in obtaining a meterpreter session with my other computer but when I was searching through the Directories by using the commands cd and ls everything went according to plan untill I came across "My documents". I could use cd My documents and it worked out but when ...more
I forwarded my port to be able to start a metasploit meterpreter session with a computer at a friend's house. I checked this with a site and it confirmed that my port was forwarded. When I type my IP and port in the URL it automatically starts a download but nothing else happe ...more