Dontrustme recently wrote a tutorial on infecting PE files. Works great, but there's a small problem - the main program doesn't start until the payload finishes. This is significant if your payload is, for example, a shell. The program will most likely never start! The soluti ...more
Yo everyone! This is how ForLulz have hacked the CTF server: An aggresive nmap scan without ping has shown 2 open ports: 10001 and 49999, and gave us some info on the target. nmap -A -Pn Another service scan has revealed that the service behind port 10001 is Apache ...more
I want to set up port forwarding, but the router's password got changed by my ISP, and they wouldn't give it up to me. Is there any way I could get/change the password other than cracking?
Hi, I recently bought a netbook. When I try running Kali on it, it scrolls through some text quickly, then keeps throwing error messages every few seconds, this is one of them: 11.376793 Buffer I/O error on device mmcblk0rpmb, logical block 1008 It seems that Kali is trying ...more