Brass is one of the oldest workable metals, and some have surpassed it in durability. It remains popular and beautiful, but n ...
Party centerpieces are something of a lost art, but this video will show you how to make a really original one quickly and ea ...
Granite countertops are a beautiful addition to any kitchen or bathroom. Unfortunately it can stain, but you can prevent stai ...
Birds are tricky to train due to their tiny brains, but nearly any hook-billed bird species can be trained to step onto your ...
Any dog and lawn owner is familiar with the ugly yellow stains that come from your dog peeing on your grass. It's bad for the ...
Green beans are delicious and easy to grow. Do you have too many? It turns out they can be canned in such a way that they las ...
Everyone has been daunted by a stuck jar lid at least once if their lives. If you're sure that you aren't dealing with a cros ...
Before the feminist movement gained prominence in America, there was a man named Al Capp. Capp was creator of the hillbilly c ...
Peppers are delicious, but they are usually accent dishes and have a tendency to go bad before you use all of them. Enter the ...
If you enjoy repairing your bike yourself, greasing the wheel bearings is a pretty easy job your should learn how to do. This ...