Wrapping the toilet seat is a great prank if you want to piss people off—literally. Use this as inspiration for one of your A ...
Here's a quick and easy way to rattle your office mate and get some good laughs at the same time. ...
Cow-tipping is legendary, yet animal experts say it's nearly impossible to do. Here's how to "tip" the odds in your favor. ...
Cow manure contains methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Farmers who collect and burn methane keep it out of the atmosphere whil ...
Make sure you use the facilities before you put this office bathroom trick into hilarious effect. You will need several pair ...
Planting a little lawn in a coworker's keyboard is a nice way to welcome him back from vacation. ...
How To Speak in Public ...
Being identified as a tourist is generally not a good thing. Here's how to blend in with the natives. ...
It's classier than clapping for keeping rhythm, and you never know when it'll come in handy. ...
Whether you want to prove that you would be an awesome GM, or you're just in it for the money, here's how to improve your odd ...