I just installed Kali 2016.2 on Vmware Station. I was scrolling through the internet to see the kind of necessary stuff I need to do just after installing the OS and I came across various articles with each one of them advising to update the distribution. This is the command ...more
A friend of mine has set up MAC security on his router. I can use MAC spoof to access the internet but since I use Kali Linux in a Virtual environment so accessing internet is not a very good option in Vmware plus I've to game online which is a far fetched idea for a Virtual e ...more
I extended the disk capacity in Vmware settings for Kali Sana but it is telling me to do the same inside the guest OS, too. I don't know how it is done and I can't find it on the internet either. Does anyone know how to expand disk capacity inside GUEST OS Kali Sana?
I have had success with msfvenom android payload over LAN but now I want to test it outside LAN. Like when you and the victim are connected to different gateways. As you guys know that we use our interface's IP in LHOST and LPORT is set to 4444. Now I want to know what shoul ...more
Is the Wi-Fi key cracker dead or still breathing? Because in my experience which is a bit premature and is only based on testing on 3 laptops and 2 kali distros namely Kali 1 and Kali SANA, Reaver hasn't worked for me. It used to do its charm till the mid of last year i.e. 20 ...more
Is it still a thing or did browsers encrypt the cookies and got rid of this phenomenon? If there's a way to do so kindly paste the link. Also, how do I exactly copy the cookies and store in my pendrive incase I get physical access to a computer.
I already posted this question a couple of weaks ago but got no solution. So here I am posting it once again with the belief that this time some expert would be able to help me rectify this god-awful problem that's been bugging me for the last couple of months. The thing is w ...more
This is what shows up every time I try to start reaver regardless of the AP I'm trying to associate with. Tried it against all the routers that show up with the airodump-ng command and it fails every time. P.S: I'm using Kali Sana on Vmware and it's fully updated. Any help w ...more
I'm using Kali 1.1.0 in Vmware Player. When I try to install lighttpd for Linset-master via the command apt-get install lighttpd, it downloads stuff from the internet and at the end reaches to the below posted screenshot. After that when I try to run linset, it prompts me th ...more
I have the wifi password of my neighbour's router. Now I need to get the PIN of the router so that in case he changes the password, I'll be able to crack the newly set password through the PIN. I could have retrieved it through the default gateway IP but there's a dialogue box ...more
I'm using Alfa awus036nh. The problem is that my Wi-Fi card gets detected in the terminal but doesn't show available wireless networks. Also using airodump command returns me with nothing. Does someone know how to remedy this?
OS: Kali Linux 1.1.0 I tried Reaver against old routers and had 99% success. But with the new routers, I encounter one of the following problems every time I try to run reaver. 1) AP rate limiting. 2) Failed to associate with the AP. 3) WPS transaction failed, retrying last ...more
I asked this question before but the response of most of you guys was aggressive towards me and instead of helping me out, you guys decided to lampoon me for not knowing such a basic thing. Here I am, raising this question all over again. Does someone know how to access and e ...more
I want to write a few lines of code in Reaver to get rid of a problem I'm facing with PIN cracking. Can someone tell me how do I access reaver script? I tried cd /etc/reaver. But there's only reaver.db file in this directory and it is all empty if I open it with leafpad. Tha ...more
I have designed this phishing page to grab the password of the victim wireless router. PTCL is basically an ISP in my country. I want to know how can I redirect my victim to this page through "Evil Twin Attack" method. As you guys know, the evil twin method redirects the vict ...more
I have 2 external wifi cards. Alfa awus036h and TP-link WN722N. I'm using Kali 1.1.0 on Virtual Box. Here's what I have tried my Wi-Fi cards with only to end up unsuccessful. 1) Tried with Network settings (on Virtual Box) set to 'NAT' and also with 'Bridged Network'. Checke ...more