If you have trouble deciding on just one cover photo for your Facebook profile, this new app is perfect for you. It's called ...

Want to make your own soda or maybe just bring a dull one back to life? Homemade sodas don't always live up to the store boug ...

For years, astronomers have been trying to figure out how our galaxy came to be. Even with the help of high-performance compu ...

Dirty or hazy headlights can cause your visibility to drastically decrease, but the kits to clean them can be expensive. Save ...

Stop me if you've heard this one before. A man walks into a bicycle shop, hears about a canoe made of cardboard and is inspir ...

Google just added a new feature for mobile search called Handwrite. Just like the name suggests, you can hand write your quer ...

The team behind the Pwn Plug, a little white box that can plug into any network and access it remotely, is at it again. This ...

Some of us use our smartphones for almost everything. Manufacturers know this, so they try to make their devices as convenien ...

We all know the dangers of logging on to our personal accounts on public networks, but we pretty much all do it anyway—especi ...

Bradley Lewis is a visual effects artist for BioWare by day, but in his spare time he runs Slothfurnace, a blog dedicated to ...