If you've read anything in the news about Skype recently, it probably hasn't been good. First, there was the controversy over ...

We all have that friend. You know, the one who can't resist posting pictures on Facebook of every single thing their newborn ...

If you played with K'Nex as a kid (or still do), you know that it can take a lot of those tiny little pieces to build somethi ...

Gerridae—you've probably seen these weird bugs gliding across the surface of the water when you're out swimming or fishing. T ...

Want an electric car without the price tag? You could always build your own, or maybe just hack your old gas guzzler into an ...

Want to spice up your origami cranes? MIT's High-Low Tech Group made two electronic origami cranes that flap their wings when ...

Want to liven up your game of beer pong? You could always add more cups or play with paddles, or you could make your own cust ...

Jake von Slatt of The Steampunk Workshop kept breaking the rear glass panel on his iPhone. Image Credit steampunkworkshop.com ...

Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure novels? If your school was anything like mine, they were so popular you were lucky t ...

If you use Ubisoft's uPlay browser extension, you should probably get rid of it right now. An Information Security Engineer a ...