It takes roughly 500 gallons of water to produce a quarter pound hamburger, and in the process, approximately six pounds of g ...
Sea otters are the largest members of the weasel family. When people started hunting sea otters for their fur, their populati ...
When subjects are asked to watch a movie and not display emotions (say, a comedy without laughing, or a tearjerker without cr ...
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that motivates us to engage in rewarding activities such as eating and sex. Animals without do ...
Numerous studies have shown that people are over-confident in their own abilities. Most people, for example, think that they ...
In an office area, there is a coffee machine and a jar in which peopleare asked to put voluntary contributions for the coffee ...
People were shown a bunch of writing purporting to make various claims about facts about the world, then were asked later whi ...
Evidently, when you are thinking about a problem, you use up glucose.This can be seen by monitoring blood glucose as people w ...
An experiment was run by Walter Mischel with four-year-olds back in the 1960s. Each child was brought into a room in which th ...
Check in every weekend for a couple of interesting facts that you may or may not already know. If not, hopefully you learned ...