One of the roles our government has taken on is to provide us with information to be used in making decisions. For example, t ...
Humans clearly demonstrate altruistic tendencies towards other members of groups with which they identify. One bit of evidenc ...
The connection between self-control and glucose is not unique to humans. A bunch of trained dogs were divided into two groups ...
Males fight for dominance in order to gain access to the limited supply of female eggs. This is why male birds expend energy ...
Economists have long since known that people want to be rewarded for taking on risk. Investments are thus judged by their ris ...
Before lead was removed from gasoline, lead from car exhaust got into the air, was breathed in by kids, lowered their IQs, an ...
Imagine two stakes in your backyard. Now draw an east-west, north-south coordinate system on your lawn. Measure the east-west ...
Roughly five million years ago, humans split off from chimpanzees, who had in turn split off from gorillas five million years ...
There are these people called "ethicists" or "moral philosophers". They make their livings by thinking about what is right an ...
In evolutionary times, we were far more likely to die from starvation than from diseases related to obesity. In those times, ...