Often someone who is bone-tired will lay down in bed and flip on the TV or his laptop thinking that it would be nice to relax ...
As you have no doubt observed, brothers and sisters do not mate. While they may find one another attractive, they find the no ...
There are ants in Tunisia that are roughly a few millimeters long. They leave their nests and find food sources by smelling t ...
Scientists are able to control hierarchy in rhesus macaques. They do this by introducing monkeys into groups one at a time, a ...
Altruism was first explained as kin selection: "I would lay down my life for two brothers or eight cousins", as J.B.S. Haldan ...
Asian Americans comprise 4% of the American population, but account for 25% of the students at top universities. Moreover, th ...
Life has many perils: parasites, predators, and pitfalls. Eventually, any organism will succumb, and if that organism has not ...
Wikipedia is an astonishing resource that provides an enormous amount of information to billions of users. Even more amazing ...
In yesterday's tidbit, we learned that across the planet women seek material wealth in their mates. This stems from our hunte ...
A vast number of studies ranging across time, continents, cultures, political systems, and religions show that when evaluatin ...