Hello guys, i just started to learn python(i made the codecademy course and now i am doing a free beginners python course from udemy) and i was wondering how can i made exploits using python. As i understood python is most used for web development(django) and mostly server si ...more
What OS should i use?Kali or Kali 2.0 Sana?
Hello guys,how can i learn python?I now the very basics of it.But how can i learn all those libraries?And how can i use it for hacking?
So guys,what is best for creating hacks?Python or C++? Do you have some resources from where i can learn one of those?
Hello guys.Me and my friends put our hands on a raspberry pi.We want to make a robot.We know how to make it.But the programming part is hard.What language should we use.We have a guy that knows javascript and one that knows python.What is the best language for this kind of job ...more
Hey guys,i was wondering what can i do with someone IP address.I mean,how can i hack him.+Can i find someone ip address from facebook? The only way to create a exploit is by Attack on stack?(The tutorials made by Ciuffy)
Hello guys i was wondering how is it possible to hack a server and get credentials. I mean,lets say you want to hack bank of america database.How is possible? Why would they put the server with the credentials of people online?
Hello guys.I install arch.Everything is ....good.I want to customize it.I find a theme online but i dont know how to install it or how to install conky-manager.Same with Steam. I already looked online and i didnt find help and i didnt understand the wiki either. Thanks
Hello guys.So i tried to instal arch linux... When i pacman -Syy all the file have error failed retrieving file multilib.db and at the end i havethe errors: failed to update multilib(download library error) failed to retrieving file custom.db from disk:couldnt open file /hom ...more
Hello guys.As the title said i was wondering what linux do you use.I want to switch my main pc on linux as well.So far i have kali on laptop but windows on pc.So,what linux do you use?
Hello guys, What do you think are the best apps to install after switching from windows to linux(kali in this case).Like firefox or skype.Not necesaryly hacking related.
How can you use raspberry pi for hacking?
Hello guys,what books do you recomand for hacking? What is opinion about Ghost in the wire by Mitnick? Can you make a list of must-read books for hackers?And also categorize them.(begginners,intermadate,advance) Sorry for my broken english,i hope you understand.
Hello guy,i saw the post about hacking team and i was wondering how can you create an exploit.What are the steps? What is the programing language that most exploits are made in. Thanks. PS:I saw the create an exploit series,but is at the begginning.I was wondering about other ...more
Hello guys,i made a file called newyearsgreeting.rtf(from a tutorial made by OTW) and i tried to send to someone.It says it is a virus.I tried to use venom,but i get an error.Can you help me?
Hello guys, After installing a meterpreter in the victim's pc and gaining acces to his computer how can i find out his passwords?Email,steam,gmail,blog,etc.Shouldnt it be in a folder in some hash form? Can i have a remote GUI acces of his pc,if the pc is close? Can i install ...more
What can i do if i have full acces to a wifi? What is pineapple? mitm vs metaspoilt? What is a goodsmartphone for hacking?i was thinking about htc one m7. If i install an OS suite for hacking on an android phone,can i still use it for calling?
Hello guys,i am from Romania and i want to go to an Ivy league school.How can i increse my chances?What tests should i take?I have some rewards in chess,basketbal,tennis and a few wins on math competitions.My english is average though and my french too.In 2 years i finish high ...more
Hello guys.What was the main reason that you start hacking in the first place?How did you learn?What was the first thing you learn? Let's hear those stories!
Hello i have some Q. for newbies. 1)If i find a vuln. port how to i exploit it? 2)How to Wi-fi hacking?I only know 4way-shake with aircrack-ng,but i dont believe is that good cuz is as strong as your dictionary.Any other way? 3)What should i learn next?Metaspoil/wifi hacking ...more
Hello guys,i was thinking if i can program with java in kali linux.If so,how can i do it.What i need to instal and how to compile the code?
I have a iPad 3 and i was wondering how can i start hacking with it.Or if i can.