Need your hands free, but still want to use your cell phone? Tormented Artifacts has the solution for you, with their Communi ...
This claw glove by Curiomira, called "Von Richt's Mechanical Glove" is really, really impressive. In addition to the amazing ...
Not two random broke girls, but the television show "Two Broke Girls". I think this show is hilarious, and I think Steampunk ...
According to this article on Kotaku, H.G. Wells invented modern tabletop wargames. War games had been going on for a long tim ...
Swing music was later than the Victorian era, but electro-swing music can call that retrofuturistic era to mind. I recently s ...
I came across a really cool article about armor that the Americans wanted to use in World War I. Since it was before kevlar a ...
Organic Armor is a company run by Paul Hersey which makes... organic armor. Their Facebook page is a really awesome place to ...
I came across this post, and while it's not specifically steampunk, I think it's still very applicable. Every steampunk wants ...
Steampunk Boba Fett, aka John Strangeway, has become a fixture in the steampunk world. A quick Google search will turn up ton ...
It's actually an art installation made to look like an elevator was erupting from the ground, or perhaps as though it had fal ...