Forum Thread : Oh No!!!! looks Like We've Been Infiltrated by Keto Trolls! SCRAM TROLLS SCRAM!
Anyway to ban these pple from posting endlessly about the 'hottest Keto diet'? Jesh!
Anyway to ban these pple from posting endlessly about the 'hottest Keto diet'? Jesh!
The following 'How To' will detail how to configure an attack over WAN while using a VPN to hide your real IP address and a DDNS provider to make your IP static. It will also cover how to appropriately set your LHOST and LPORT. For this tutorial, you need: VPN with port forw ...more
I have a error based mysql injection I'm having problems exploiting and was wondering if someone could help. I only have a basic knowledge of sql scripting. Here is the request and it's response. Request: POST /tourplanner/login/verify HTTP/1.1 Content-Length: 84 Content-Type ...more
My Christmas decorations were looking pretty pathetic so I tried covering some of them in glitter in a last ditch effort to make them look decent before they headed to the trash. I used craft glue spray and fine glitter I got from Walmart. It took 1 container of glitter to do ...more
My Christmas ornaments were looking pretty shabby this year so I decided to spruce them up with a little glitter. I used craft glue spray and super fine iridescent glitter I got at Walmart. Here are some before and afters: I made the snowflakes puffy and full again And added w ...more
Ok so I don't understand this at all bc I suck at networking stuff. is my default gateway is my LAN ip is my WAN ip (not really) When I run nmap scans against these 3 ips, here are my results: 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.6 ...more
The following is a walk through of how I solved the Capture the Flag Challenge presented by the intentionally vulnerable virtual machine, Mr. Robot, which can be downloaded at,151/. The goal is to compromise the system to locate three h ...more
My question has 2 parts: I used sqlmap to get an operating system shell on an old windows xp running Windows SQL Server 2005. I escalated privileges and granted myself full read, write, execute in all folders under C. So running --os-pwn shouldn't be a problem, but I can't ge ...more
I have a question. Say you've compromised a website and are trying to establish a connection back to your computer. Is using a VPN service like private internet access sufficient to hide your identify when doing so? If so, what ip address do you use as your listener? I'm assum ...more
I don't understand why this keeps failing. I'm using a vpn service so I set my LHOST to As you can see the exploit failed. I also tried setting my LHOST to just to try it, and it too, of course, failed. Does anyone have an idea what could be going on? ...more
This guide will help you fix failed to detect and mount CD-ROM problem when installing the latest edition of Kali Linux. Although there are other guides that exist, I found that the solutions in those guides still did not work when I used the Universal USB Installer to create ...more
Like many people, I originally installed Kali Linux on a Virtual Machine installed on Windows. After awhile I grew sick of how slow the set up made my computer. I switched to dual booth and eventually ended up completely deleting my windows and replacing it with Kali. The only ...more
From my experience, very few people seem to know about this so I wanted to introduce you all to Arizona Cyber Warfare Range. According to their website, "We are a 24×7 live fire cyber warfare range. Our purpose is to develop a continuous improvement process for cyber warfare a ...more
Here's a quick and easy guide on how to install Adobe Flash Player on Kali Linux. Step 1: Download Adobe Flash Player Visit and scroll down to highlight '.tar.gz for other Linux' and hit 'Download Now'. Make sure you download the file to yo ...more
Can someone help me understand this exploit? From the exploit I assumed I was supposed to make two files using the code provided. One named PostShell.php and one named lo.php.gif. I've done that and changed the curl_init value to the url of the website. I ran php PostShell.php ...more
I'm using metasploit to perform a ssh login scan on a range of ips from and up and I don't know how to write it. For example, I'm trying to scan,,, all the way up to This isn't the actual ip btw, just a mad ...more
Just passed the C|EHv9. If anyone is interested in tips, I'd be happy to provide.
I have two computers, one with a built in webcam and one with a plugin webcam. Both computers have Debian Wheezy running and I can't get the cameras working on either. 1st off, VLC is definitely not working for me so I downloaded Banshee. That works all fine and dandy...I have ...more
I can not get port forwarding on my computer for the life of me. I've followed the directions for my ASUS RT-N56U router and have provided a screen shot. An NMAP scan confirms that the ports did not open. My OS is Debian Wheezy. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Hello all. Just wanted to share an addon I found for firefox people might find useful when trying to locate the login page of a specific website running the following content management systems: Typo3 Typo3 Neos Joomla WordPress Django Drupal Contao Weblication WebsiteBaker C ...more
This post is intended for those who might not be aware of the new search engine Censys. I thought I'd share some information about it the noobs might find interesting. Shodan search engine is designed to locate any device on the Internet that hasn't been correctly configured ...more
I've never had problems with my apache webserver before. I was just using it two weeks ago. This time when I ran 'apache2 start', rather than just starting like normal, it displayed menu options. Hmm, that's odd, never had that happen. Ok no big deal, there was prolly an updat ...more
I was just approved by EC-Council to sit for the CEH exam. I had to apply for an exception because I didn't take an official prep class, but have worked as a junior pentester for almost a year. Anyways I've heard nothing but nightmares from pple who've taken v8 and v9 about th ...more
<xml onreadystatechange=alert(1)</script> <style onreadystatechange=alert(1)</script> <iframe onreadystatechange=alert(1)</script> <object onerror=alert(1)> <object type=image src=valid.gif onreadystatechange=alert(1)</object> <isindex=image src=valid.gif onreadystatechange=al ...more
I just came across this website I thought was sorta cool and wanted to share with everyone, apologies to those already aware of it. For those who aren't, It's designed for SEO purposes but a few of the tools can be very appropriately used to conduct some reconnaissance on a ta ...more
Hello, hello friends. I just wanted to put it out there that metasploit has released a new version, 4.11.5. To see what version you are running, type: msfconsole -v Running msfupdate does not update you to this newest version however, you need to install metasploits nightly ...more
I am having an extremely difficult time trying to load external modules to metasploit. I read the following github guide on how to do it: I also followed along with the example they provided, tested ...more
so you know how Kali comes with a built in clock and calendar, right? When you click on it it says "nothing scheduled for today". I want to schedule something, but can't figure out how to? wth? Also I used my package installer to install chromium. Too bad I can't figure out ho ...more
I have your standard laptop computer with 6GB of RAM and a hard disk drive. It came with Windows 8 installed. I purchased a SSD to replace the HDD to make my computer faster. The SSD was too small however and I couldn't take it back. So I decided to dedicate the SSD to Kali Li ...more
Yes, hello. I am having serious issues I am hoping you can help me with. I initially had a VM installed ontop of Windows running Kali but it was way too slow. I set my Kali up as a dual boot with Windows but then decided to completely remove windows because its annoying and I ...more
Hello fellow novice hackers! I came across these the other day and wanted to share for those who weren't already aware. Since there seem to be an infinite number of tools one can use to go about conducting passive and active recon so it can be overwhelming trying to remember a ...more
This question is for the admins and otherwise legit experts and pros. I'm studying to become a professional ethical hacker and wanted your perspective on what certifications are most desirable to obtain. I've been prepping for the CEH and was planning to take it the beginning ...more I don't know how to delete this post that was wrong. Use link above on how to set up a VPN in kali linux