Forum Thread : Are VPNs Useless?
Are VPNs useless? A friend told me that one could ping to the VPN's IP and reveal the IP underneath it. What does he mean by this? Is this preventable?
Are VPNs useless? A friend told me that one could ping to the VPN's IP and reveal the IP underneath it. What does he mean by this? Is this preventable?
Hello. I am using a VPN, but my IPv6 is leaking and I have no idea on how to disable IPv6. I am running on Kali Sana or Kali Linux v2.0.
Hello. I am having difficulties connecting to a VPN on Kali v2.0. Is there an in-depth article on openvpn on Linux or a more detailed way of using Kali Linux and VPNs?
Hello. I want to stay up-to-date on news revolving around technology and tech enthusiasts. More importantly, I would love to keep up with cyber security as well. I was wondering what sources of information you use to stay up-to-date.