Forum Thread : Mitmf Interrupted System Call
that problem is really hard to solve.... i googled it for a long useful solution
I am learning C and Python now and studying for CWA
that problem is really hard to solve.... i googled it for a long useful solution
I have used ettercap to perform a mitm attack, then i found an iphone in the network... How can i hack it? use metasploit?
TL-WDR5600 How can i get its password?
I do known that Mac can be hacked and sometimes is easier than windows, but i haven't seem a useful way to hack OSX so far. Meterpreter and even zeus botnet have no mac versions... So how to hack mac? use RAT or MITM?
Hey,fellows. I want to read some tuts from but I really can't access it. Is anyone who can access it and copy some tuts from HF and then give me or share here?
I think my syntax is right,but Hydra says there's no valid password.I am sure my password:password in the small.txt wordlist. What's wrong?
Is anyone know a website like codecademy where i can learn and practice C at the same time?
Hi anyone,here comes a interesting problem which needs a outside-the-box solution...(i don't know) I want to set up a openvpn in my kali,and it needs to download a Certificate Authority(CA) certificate from a website which can only be access by the vpn i am setting up now. So ...more
As the pic shows,i have moved that file to /root/.msf/modules/exploits/windows/flash and also restarted metasploit, but i can't find the exploit in metasploit.How to solve it?
I read OTW's article about hashcat and tried it by myself,but it seems something was wrong in my steps and i can't get the password.Here are the screenshots. And when i open cracked.txt after using hashcat,there's nothing in it.
Hi, everyone.I just start to learn how to use metasploit,but have 3 problems which stop my learning process(i googled it and still can't find solutions).Need help. 1 . msfvenom doesn't work 2 . It seems that the command:msfcli has been removed,so how can i use it again? 3 . I ...more
The syntax is right and i don't know why it didn't work,anyone can help?
set:phishing> Enter the file to use as an attachment.....I don't know how to do it,need help. I googled it and can't find a proper answer.
I use the command:apt-get install icmptx in Kali and it shows unable to locate package icmptx...i also had this problem when I tried to install other tools,but I can fix it with chmod 775 ....(I know it needs execute permission). When it comes to icmptx,I use locate icmptx to ...more
As the title shows,i want to know how..
I use this command in kali but it didn't work,so i use \h to see the help,but the help is too simple to solve the problem. I don't know where the syntax is wrong,i can't find it in help.
Hi,friends! Do u know anything about hacking the PS4 and taking control of it? I have a PS4 and i want to have a test just for fun!
I use crazybox to run kali and the network doesn't work in crazybox after i use aircrack-ng while the network on my computer(not in the crazybox) is fine...why?
Hi,everyone! I use mysql at the first time,and when i try to login,it needs password which is not "toor".So i search it online and find the answer:i need to reset my password...then i followed this article But when ...more
The wireless adapter i use is alfa AWUS036NH and i followed OTW's article ...more
as the pic shows ...more
So how to install it?
Need help ...more
In command:nice -n -20 airbase-ng -a 00:09:5B:6F:64:1E --essid "Elroy" -c 11 mon0,what's "-a 00:09:5B:6F:64:1E --essid "Elroy" -c 11 mon0" means? And i wonder how the nice value hint to the kernel and why we don't use nice value when we use renice command ...more
How to solve the problem?
Hi,everyone!I am a beginner and i really want to learn and master something. When it comes the understanding of system and hacking tools,do u think reading a book such as MODERN OPERATING SYSTEMS by Andrew S. Tanenbaum is a good choice? When i learned how to use some tools,it' ...more
hi,guys! I have followed OTW's article:"How to crack online web form passwords with THC-Hydra and Burp Suite",but the network didn't work,why?what should i do?Thank you!